Looking forward to buy potential units of Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund? Explore the latest Net Asset Value by consulting any independent financial research agency or directly from the Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund where you will be assigned NAV based on the money you have employed in. But you need to know what exactly NAV is all about?
Net Asset Value or NAV signifies the fund's per share market value. This is calculated by dividing the total value of the cash and securities in Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund's portfolio, less any, liabilities, by the number of shares outstanding. As it is computed at the end of each trading day which is further subject to the closing market price of the portfolio's securities.
So, if you are buying it today, it will be based on the current NAV price of that particular day. Moreover, subject to your NAV of the specified Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund scheme you can purchase as many units of the scheme.
Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund NAV
Willing to make a subscription to Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund units? Check out the latest Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund NAV for doing so.
Let us understand from a simple example:
If your Franklin India Prima Fund NAV shows ₹ 112 on your date of purchase towards which you want to invest ₹ 112000, then you will be obtaining 112000/112=1000 units of the scheme.
If Franklin India Prima Fund declares a NAV of ₹120 on a particular day, then your investment value will become 1000x120=₹1,20,000. Also, if you wish to liquidate or withdraw the investment value realized, you will be obtaining an amount based on the NAV of the scheme at the time of redemption. Let's suppose if Franklin India Prima Fund declares a NAV of ₹130 on your redemption day, then the Franklin India Prima Fund will liquidate you an amount of 1000x130= ₹1,30,000 on that day. It means you will obtain ₹10,000 additional amount on your investment of ₹ 112000.
Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund SIP
Achieve flexibility in gaining maximum avenues from your investment. One such opportunity is available by investing in SIP. With a low amount of ₹500 each month, you can purchase the units of Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund. The more units you decide to buy, the more investment returns you will get whenever you plan to redeem.
The power of compounding starts working from the day 1 and the returns will get accumulated by your fund subject to the market volatility. Regardless of the periodicity of investment you make in Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund, it will gradually reduce the impact and also inculcates a disciplinary way of investing in such funds.
Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund Login
Whether you are a new investor(first-time investor)or an existing one, you are required to follow the certain steps which are described herewith:
1. For First Time Investors
The first time investors i.e. new investors -Individual Resident Indian Investor are required to provide the following documents for investing online:
- Permanent Account Number(PAN)
- Mobile Number & Email Address
- Bank Details
Whether it is investing either in Lump-sum or in a SIP, you are required to follow the 5-simple steps:
- Provide Investor Details(Your details as an investor)
- Investment Preference
- Fund Details
- Payment Details
- Transaction Confirmation
To open an account with Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund online, register yourself by furnishing the details like username and password on the website of Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund.
2. For Existing Investors
Visit the website of Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund, enter your username and password for getting started. Also, track down the performance of the scheme from time-to-time and take potential decisions of either buying the mutual fund units, redeeming/selling or holding your units. Moreover, you have the provision of viewing the complete transaction details online from the beginning year until the exit from your Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund schemes.
Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund Schemes
Want to invest online in a number of Franklin Templeton mutual fund schemes? Check out the variety of Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund schemes which are discussed herewith:
- Franklin India Taxshield
- Franklin Build India Fund
- Franklin India Bluechip Fund
- Franklin India Flexicap Fund
- Franklin India High Growth Companies Fund
- Franklin India Index Fund-NSE Nifty Plan
- Franklin India Opportunities Fund
- Franklin India Prima Fund
- Franklin India Prima Plus
- Franklin India Smaller Companies Fund
- Franklin India Technology Fund
- Templeton India Equity Income Fund
- Franklin India Banking & PSU Debt Fund
- Franklin India Corporate Bond Opportunities Fund
- Franklin India Dynamic Accrual Fund
- Franklin India Fixed Maturity Plans-Series 1-Plan A(1108 Days)
- Franklin India Fixed Maturity Plans-Series 1-Plan B(1104 Days)
- Franklin India Government Securities Fund-Composite Plan & PF Plan
- Franklin India Government Securities Fund-Long Term Plan
- Franklin India Income Builder Fund
Disclaimer: Mutual Fund Investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully before investing.
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